Reduce Human Error

Security Training equips employees with the knowledge to avoid common mistakes that lead to data breaches, like falling for phishing scams or using weak passwords. Minimising human error significantly strengthens overall security.

Stay Compliant

With regulations tightening, compliance is crucial. Security Training helps businesses meet industry standards and legal requirements, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.

Build a Security-First Culture

Ongoing training fosters a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Employees become more vigilant and responsible, contributing to a security-conscious workplace.

Cost-Effective Defence

Preventing breaches is more affordable than dealing with the aftermath. Investing in Security Training reduces long-term costs by lowering the risk of expensive cyber incidents.


Why Zaltek's Security Training Can Help You.

Minimise Risk

Security Training helps reduce the chance of data breaches by empowering employees to recognise and avoid cyber threats.

Ensire Compliance

Stay on top of legal and industry requirements by keeping staff informed about security best practices.

Boost Productivity

A well-trained team can prevent disruptions caused by cyber incidents, keeping operations running smoothly.

Ready? Let's Talk

Why Zaltek?

Contact us today to learn more about our unlimited IT support services and how we can help your business achieve its full potential.


Our technicians are highly experienced and can resolve issues quickly.


You won’t experience any lengthy call centre processes – we only do direct-to-technician support.


Starting out life as a software development company means we know the cutting-edge tools you’ll benefit from.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is security training, and why is it important?

    Security training educates employees on best practices to protect your  organization’s information and systems from cyber threats, data breaches, and other security incidents. It’s important because human error is one of the leading causes of cybersecurity breaches. Training helps staff recognize phishing attacks, avoid malware, and understand the importance of data protection, reducing the overall risk to the business.

  • Who in an organization needs to undergo security training

    All employees should undergo security training, regardless of their role or level in the organization. Cybersecurity threats can target anyone, so it’s crucial that everyone—from entry-level employees to top executives—understands basic security protocols. In particular, employees with access to sensitive data or critical systems may need more specialized training.


  • How often should security training be conducted?

    Security training should be conducted regularly, at least once a year, and whenever there are updates to security policies, tools, or emerging threats. Ongoing training helps keep employees aware of new cyber threats and reinforces best practices. Some organizations also incorporate monthly or quarterly security reminders or simulations (like phishing tests) to maintain awareness year-round.

  • What topics are typically covered in security training

    Security training often covers topics such as:

    • Recognizing phishing and social engineering attacks
    • Safe internet and email usage
    • Secure password management
    • Handling sensitive data and regulatory compliance
    • Device security, including mobile and remote work guidelines
    • Incident reporting and response procedures

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