CTO As A Service (CaaS) or recruiting a CTO: Which is best for my business?

Whether you’re an established organisation or a fledgling startup, one thing’s for sure: you need a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). 

For many businesses, hiring a CTO is a big expense during a period where costs are being kept to a minimum. You can still be a streamlined and agile operation while tapping into the unparalleled knowledge and capability of an experienced CTO with CTO As A Service (CaaS). 

Read on to find out more about CaaS and whether you should outsource to an experienced tech company or recruit a CTO in-house. 

What is CTO As a Service (CaaS)?

CTO as a Service (CaaS) gives fast-growing businesses the chance to harness the knowledge of an experienced CTO, without the hassle and expense of hiring a CTO in-house. 

CaaS is a flexible service. From a couple of days-a-week active support to a project-by-project basis, a CTO will act as part of your organisation. From training to development, presenting to stakeholders and supporting investment applications, CaaS can deliver everything an in-house CTO can but without the commitment. 

Why does my business need a CTO?

A CTO oversees all technology within the business. A typical CTO will be part of the executive team and manage your IT, software and development teams. While department managers will ensure the daily operations run smoothly, the CTO takes a bigger picture approach. They will make sure that the technical goals align with the wider company goals. 

As a key player in delivering the business strategy, a CTO is responsible for supporting technology across the organisation. They should strive to find solutions that save time, reduce costs and improve business processes, all while meeting your overall strategy for growth.

Without a CTO, your business may lack direction when it comes to technology. Software that works great for one organisation, could be the source of significant bugbears for another. The way we see it at Zaltek, technology should be an asset – not a liability. And your CTO should support this goal at all times.

Should I recruit a CTO?

If you require full-time technology support at an executive level then you may need to consider hiring a CTO. However, if you are concerned about the longterm commitment of recruitment, finding the right skillset in your area or supporting the ongoing professional development of a senior role, then CaaS may be the solution for you.

What can CaaS provide?

CaaS isn’t just about managing your IT department or your developers, it’s about supporting your overall vision. In this digital age, technology will play a significant role in your future, so make sure you have the right team at the helm.

Zaltek Digital provides CaaS to organisations at a variety of stages of development, from start-ups to scale-ups, SMEs and larger corporations. With CaaS, you’ll have the confidence to pitch to seek investment, drive forward with new innovations and produce high-quality work. You’ll also benefit from the necessary due diligence and documentation processes to make sure you’re maximising every opportunity within your space.


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