Enhanced Security Posture

Our Cyber Essentials service helps you implement key security measures, protecting your organization from the most common cyber threats.

Certification Support

We guide you through the entire Cyber Essentials certification process, making it straightforward and ensuring you meet all necessary requirements.

Increased Trust

Achieving Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates your commitment to cybersecurity, building trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Regulatory Compliance

Our service ensures your organisation complies with essential cybersecurity standards, helping you meet legal and contractual obligations.


Why Zaltek's Cyber Essentials ServiceCan Help You.

Reduce Cyber Risks

By implementing the Cyber Essentials framework, you significantly lower the risk of cyber attacks, protecting your business from potential breaches.

Simplify Certification

Our expert guidance simplifies the certification process, helping you achieve Cyber Essentials status efficiently and with minimal disruption to your operations.

Boost Business Credibility

Cyber Essentials certification enhances your organization’s credibility, making you a more attractive partner to clients and stakeholders who prioritize security.

Ready? Let's Talk

Why Zaltek?

Contact us today to learn more about our unlimited IT support services and how we can help your business achieve its full potential.


Our technicians are highly experienced and can resolve issues quickly.


You won’t experience any lengthy call centre processes – we only do direct-to-technician support.


Starting out life as a software development company means we know the cutting-edge tools you’ll benefit from.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Cyber Essentials?

    Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification scheme that helps organizations protect themselves from the most common cyber threats. It focuses on five key areas: firewalls, secure configuration, user access control, malware protection, and patch management. By implementing these controls, organizations reduce the risk of a cyber attack and can demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity.

  • What are the benefits of Cyber Essentials certification?

    The key benefits include: Protection against common threats: Cyber Essentials helps defend against common attacks like phishing, malware, and hacking. Boosts reputation: Certification demonstrates your commitment to cybersecurity, which can enhance trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders. Compliance with regulations: Some contracts, especially within the UK public sector, require Cyber Essentials certification. Insurance benefits: Some cyber insurance policies offer favorable terms or discounts for certified organizations.


  • How much does Cyber Essentials certification cost?

    The cost of Cyber Essentials certification depends on the size and complexity of your organization. For the basic Cyber Essentials certification, it typically costs around £300-£500. The more comprehensive Cyber Essentials Plus certification, which involves an external assessment, can cost more, depending on the assessor and the scope of the audit.

  • How long does it take to get Cyber Essentials certification?

    The time it takes to achieve Cyber Essentials certification can vary depending on the organization’s preparedness. For the basic Cyber Essentials certification, it typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on how quickly the self-assessment questionnaire is completed and reviewed. If you’re opting for Cyber Essentials Plus, the process can take longer—potentially several weeks—due to the need for an external audit and any remediation work required after the initial assessment.

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